RogueSharp 2.0 Released
Dice Notation
RogueSharp Version 2.0
on 2.0 of RogueSharp was just released. It now contains better functionality for dealing with Dice and parsing Dice Notation strings.
Dice Notation .NET – Significant portions of the code in RougeSharp.DiceNotation namespace are from this great library. Thank you to Chris Wagner for originally creating this.
The easiest way to roll dice using dice notation is to use the static Roll method on the Dice class and provide a string representing the dice expression.
Example 1
// Roll 3 dice with 6 sides each and sum the results together
// This produces a result between 3 and 18
int result = Dice.Roll( "3d6" );
Example 2
// Roll 4 dice with 6 sides each
// But then only keep the 3 highest rolls
// This produces a result between 3 and 18
// Higher results should be produced on average than rolling 3d6
int result = Dice.Roll( "4d6k3" );
Example 3
// Roll 1 die with 10 sides and add 5 to the result
// This produces a result between 6 and 15
int result = Dice.Roll( "1d10+5" );
Example 4
// Roll 1 die with 10 sides and 2 dice with 6 sides each...
// Sum up the values of the dice and subtract 5 from the final result
// This produces a result between -2 and 17
int result = Dice.Roll( "1d10+2d6-5" );
Creating Expressions Fluently
If you haven’t heard of Fluent interfaces you can check out the link on Wikipedia to get a better description than I could provide. I think of it is using method chaining to produce more readable code. If you have ever used LINQ and seen how you could chain methods together to build your queries, I think that is a decent example. Let’s see how you can build a DiceExpression fluently
// In dice notation the following is the same as "5+1d8+4d6k3"
DiceExpression diceExpression = new DiceExpression()
.Constant( 5 ) // Add a constant of 5
.Die( 8 ) // Add an 8 sided Die
.Dice( 4, 6, choose: 3 ); // Add 4d6 but when rolling them keep the 3 highest results
// Total should be between 9 and 31.
DiceResult result = diceExpression.Roll();
int total = result.Value;
Upgrading from v1.X
If you are were using an earlier version of RogueSharp and you used the Dice
or Die
classes there will be some minor changes that you will have to make to use v2.0. I have upgraded the sample for the tutorial series here so you can get an idea of what it will take: