Creating a Roguelike Game in C#

Monster Generation

v3 Tutorials


During this tutorial we’ll add all of the necessary stats that the player and other actors will require to perform combat actions. We will also be rendering the player stats to the console that was previously just a placeholder on the right of the map.

alt text

Combat Overview

The combat system that I’ve decided upon for the tutorial is going to be a percentage based opposing roll system. First the attacker will roll a number of 100 sided dice equal to their attack value. Each die in the roll will have a percentage chance to be a success. Each success has the potential to inflict 1 point of damage. Thus the maximum amount of damage an actor can do is their Attack value, if they get all successes and their is no defense.

So how about defense? It will work the same way. The defender rolls a number of 100 sided dice equal to their defense value. Each die has a percentage chance to be a success. The number of defender successes is subtracted from the number of attacker successes and if the remaining number is positive then that much damage is applied to the defender.

Whew! Hopefully that’s not too confusing. We’ll go through the stats one-by-one in the next section.

Defining the Stats

Adding Stats to Actors

Before we add the stats directly to our Actor class we should first add them to the IActor interface. Open IActor.cs and update the code to look like the following.

public interface IActor
  int Attack { get; set; }
  int AttackChance { get; set; }
  int Awareness { get; set; }
  int Defense { get; set; }
  int DefenseChance { get; set; }
  int Gold { get; set; }
  int Health { get; set; }
  int MaxHealth { get; set; }
  string Name { get; set; }
  int Speed { get; set; }

Next open Actor.cs and make sure that each of these properties is implemented. Note that we won’t be doing auto-properties this time because later we’ll want to update the getters on the each property to account for additional stats from items that we equip. For instance the Defense stat might have a base value of 2, but then have an additional +2 bonus from armor that is being worn. So although it is more typing, we’ll implement these properties with their own private backing fields to allow us to add that additional functionality in later.

public class Actor : IActor, IDrawable
  // IActor
  private int _attack;
  private int _attackChance;
  private int _awareness;
  private int _defense;
  private int _defenseChance;
  private int _gold;
  private int _health;
  private int _maxHealth;
  private string _name;
  private int _speed;

  public int Attack
      return _attack;
      _attack = value;

  public int AttackChance
      return _attackChance;
      _attackChance = value;

  public int Awareness
      return _awareness;
      _awareness = value;

  public int Defense
      return _defense;
      _defense = value;

  public int DefenseChance
      return _defenseChance;
      _defenseChance = value;

  public int Gold
      return _gold;
      _gold = value;

  public int Health
      return _health;
      _health = value;

  public int MaxHealth
      return _maxHealth;
      _maxHealth = value;

  public string Name
      return _name;
      _name = value;

  public int Speed
      return _speed;
      _speed = value;

Drawing Player Stats

Now that we have the stats out of the way, we want to be able to draw the Player stats in the upper right corner of the statConsole. Open Player.cs and set all of the starting stats for the Player in the constructor. Also add the DrawStats() method to look like the following:

public class Player : Actor
  public Player()
    Attack = 2;
    AttackChance = 50;
    Awareness = 15;
    Color = Colors.Player;
    Defense = 2;
    DefenseChance = 40;
    Gold = 0;
    Health = 100;
    MaxHealth = 100;
    Name = "Rogue";
    Speed = 10;
    Symbol = '@';

  public void DrawStats( RLConsole statConsole )
    statConsole.Print( 1, 1, $"Name:    {Name}", Colors.Text );
    statConsole.Print( 1, 3, $"Health:  {Health}/{MaxHealth}", Colors.Text );
    statConsole.Print( 1, 5, $"Attack:  {Attack} ({AttackChance}%)", Colors.Text );
    statConsole.Print( 1, 7, $"Defense: {Defense} ({DefenseChance}%)", Colors.Text );
    statConsole.Print( 1, 9, $"Gold:    {Gold}", Colors.Gold );

Make sure to also add the colors to Colors.cs. Pick any colors you like. I used these:

public static RLColor TextHeading = RLColor.White;
public static RLColor Text = Swatch.DbLight;
public static RLColor Gold = Swatch.DbSun;

Updating the Game

The final thing left to do is to update Game.cs to make sure that Player.DrawStats() is called. During the last tutorial we also added some code to test out our the message log by printing a line every time the player took a step. I’ll be deleting that code now too.

// DELETE all of the following lines
private static int _steps = 0;

MessageLog.Add( $"Step # {++_steps}" );

_statConsole.SetBackColor( 0, 0, _statWidth, _statHeight, Swatch.DbOldStone );
_statConsole.Print( 1, 1, "Stats", Colors.TextHeading );

Then update OnRootConsoleRender() to call Player.DrawStats()

if ( _renderRequired )
  // Old code to keep
  DungeonMap.Draw( _mapConsole );
  Player.Draw( _mapConsole, DungeonMap );

  // New code after Player.Draw()
  Player.DrawStats( _statConsole );

If you run the program now you should get something similar to the screenshot at the top of this post.

As always the code for the tutorial series so far can be found on Bitbucket:

Bored waiting for the next tutorial post? The completed project is already available on Bitbucket.