Creating a Roguelike Game in C#

Multiple Consoles

v3 Tutorials


In this tutorial we’ll create sub consoles for each part of our game window and Blit them to the root console.

alt text

Sub Consoles

Our game is more than a map. It will also have areas for the inventory, player statistics, and a message log. We could just draw all these directly to the root console but it will be better to draw each to their own console and Blit them to the root in their correct positions.

Defining Console Dimensions

First we need to define the width and height of each of our sub-consoles and declare each RLConsole. At the top of Game.cs add the following code:

public static class Game
  // The screen height and width are in number of tiles
  private static readonly int _screenWidth = 100;
  private static readonly int _screenHeight = 70;
  private static RLRootConsole _rootConsole;

  // The map console takes up most of the screen and is where the map will be drawn
  private static readonly int _mapWidth = 80;
  private static readonly int _mapHeight = 48;
  private static RLConsole _mapConsole;

  // Below the map console is the message console which displays attack rolls and other information
  private static readonly int _messageWidth = 80;
  private static readonly int _messageHeight = 11;
  private static RLConsole _messageConsole;

  // The stat console is to the right of the map and display player and monster stats
  private static readonly int _statWidth = 20;
  private static readonly int _statHeight = 70;
  private static RLConsole _statConsole;

  // Above the map is the inventory console which shows the players equipment, abilities, and items
  private static readonly int _inventoryWidth = 80;
  private static readonly int _inventoryHeight = 11;
  private static RLConsole _inventoryConsole;

  // ... additional code omitted

Instantiate the Consoles

Now we need to new up our four consoles with the widths and heights that we defined. In our Main() just after the line where we make a new RLRootConsole add the following code:

public static void Main()
  // ... previous code omitted
  // After the line that starts _rootConsole = new RLRootConsole( ...

  // Initialize the sub consoles that we will Blit to the root console
  _mapConsole = new RLConsole( _mapWidth, _mapHeight );
  _messageConsole = new RLConsole( _messageWidth, _messageHeight );
  _statConsole = new RLConsole( _statWidth, _statHeight );
  _inventoryConsole = new RLConsole( _inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight );

  // ... additional code omitted

Set Background Color and Label

Next we’ll want to set the background color of each console and put a label on them so that we can verify that they are in the correct positions when we Blit them to the Root console. In OnRootConsoleUpdate() replace _rootConsole.Print( 10, 10, “It worked!”, RLColor.White ); with the following code:

private static void OnRootConsoleUpdate( object sender, UpdateEventArgs e )
  // Set background color and text for each console
  // so that we can verify they are in the correct positions
  _mapConsole.SetBackColor( 0, 0, _mapWidth, _mapHeight, RLColor.Black );
  _mapConsole.Print( 1, 1, "Map", RLColor.White );

  _messageConsole.SetBackColor( 0, 0, _messageWidth, _messageHeight, RLColor.Gray );
  _messageConsole.Print( 1, 1, "Messages", RLColor.White );

  _statConsole.SetBackColor( 0, 0, _statWidth, _statHeight, RLColor.Brown );
  _statConsole.Print( 1, 1, "Stats", RLColor.White );

  _inventoryConsole.SetBackColor( 0, 0, _inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight, RLColor.Cyan );
  _inventoryConsole.Print( 1, 1, "Inventory", RLColor.White );

Blit and Render

The final step we’ll need to take is to update OnRootConsoleRender() to Blit each of our consoles to the root console in the correct positions. The RLNET method we will use is RLConsole.Blit which takes several parameters.

A source console

private static void OnRootConsoleRender( object sender, UpdateEventArgs e )
  // Blit the sub consoles to the root console in the correct locations
  RLConsole.Blit( _mapConsole, 0, 0, _mapWidth, _mapHeight,
    _rootConsole, 0, _inventoryHeight );
  RLConsole.Blit( _statConsole, 0, 0, _statWidth, _statHeight,
    _rootConsole, _mapWidth, 0 );
  RLConsole.Blit( _messageConsole, 0, 0, _messageWidth, _messageHeight,
    _rootConsole, 0, _screenHeight - _messageHeight );
  RLConsole.Blit( _inventoryConsole, 0, 0, _inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight,
    _rootConsole, 0, 0 );

  // Tell RLNET to draw the console that we set

And that’s it! If you run the program now you should see output similar to the screenshot at the beginning of this post.

Complete code for this post –

Closing thoughts

So far we haven’t used RogueSharp at all. I think it is necessary to do some of these basic setup tasks to pave the way for the future. Don’t worry though we’ll be getting into RogueSharp functionality shortly.